Welcome to MUNSCR
Model United Nations for Successful Corean Reunification under PSCOREWhat is MUNSCR?
Model United Nations for Successful Corean Reunification (MUNSCR) is a Model United Nations that PSCORE is organizing since 2021 to raise awareness of the significance of Korean reunification and the problems surrounding the human rights of North Korean citizens.
Our Goals
As to put the main objective of the organization - which is to ensure the successful, secure, and sustainable reunification of the Korean Peninsula through inter-lateral cooperation and well-structured policies - into action, PSCORE invites young people from both Korean and international backgrounds to the matter through a familiar concept such as the Model United Nations.
Ultimately, MUNSCR will hold two main themes :
1) Encourage peaceful dialogue on the reunification of the Korean peninsula;
2) Call for human rights improvement in North Korea.
Besides promoting the idea of creating a better relationship between South Korea and North Korea, PSCORE focuses on empowering young and passionate individuals. This fuels our motivation to create the student-based Organizing Committee for MUNSCR.
People for Successful COrean REunification is a non-profit organization in special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) since 2012.
We advocate internationally and domestically with a vision to raise awareness of North Korean human rights while providing education and tutoring programs for North Korean defector students. We further address potential barriers to reunification and assist North Korean refugees to adapt to their daily life in South Korea. We are one of the most international organizations in South Korea, and our staff is comprised of both South and North Korean nationals, and interns and volunteers from countries around the world.
Since its establishment in 2006, PSCORE has long been involved in Human Rights issues in North Korea from holding street campaigns for raising awareness to writing reports and participating in UN conferences. We join the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) every year to hold side events and publish oral/written statements. As the United Nations advocates international cooperation for human rights improvement in North Korea, PSCORE also provides other North Korean human rights organizations the opportunity to present at the side events with UNHRC. Furthermore, PSCORE has been holding events with other international human rights NGOs, such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and International Society for Human Rights.
(PSCORE stands for ‘People for Successful COrean REunification’; we adopted the original spelling ‘Corea’ from the prior era to Japanese colonization and the division of Korea to further emphasize its goal of a reunited peninsula.)

Welcome Message from the President
Kim Tae-hoon, President of PSCORE
Hello and welcome to PSCORE’s 2021 Model United Nations for Successful Corean Reunification. My name is Kim Tae-hoon, and I am the president of PSCORE.
The purpose of this model UN is to raise awareness of the significance of Korean reunification through peaceful negotiation and issues regarding North Korean human rights. Young people from both Korea and other countries around the world were invited to participate. In addition to promoting the creation of a better relationship between North and South Korea, PSCORE aims to empower and raise awareness of these issues among young people through this model UN.
The title of our model UN is representative of what we hope to achieve someday – successful and peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula. We choose to spell Korea with a “C” because that is the spelling that was commonly used before North and South Korea were divided.
An important aspect of our model UN is our Corean Reunification Academy, a lecture series that we organized to give our participants a better understanding of Korean reunification and North Korean human rights issues. The series consists of six lectures by key players in the areas of North Korean human rights and the UN.
PSCORE has participated in UN human rights mechanisms since 2012 when we received consultative status from the UN Economic and Social Council. Every year since 2012 our organization has participated in UN human rights mechanisms by submitting reports to the special rapporteur and other mandate holders, communicating with member states to raise awareness for North Korean human rights, and working to include North Korean human rights issues in UN documents and mechanisms.
Based on these experiences, we thought it was extremely important to provide young people with more opportunities to experience UN mechanisms, as well as educate them on the reasons that PSCORE participates in these mechanisms and how the UN can help in the process of peaceful reunification and resolving human rights issues in North Korea.
The pillars of the UN are Rule of Law and Peace and Security, Rule of Law and Human Rights, and Rule of Law and Development. Without first achieving human rights, security and development cannot be achieved.
We welcome all participants and hope that our Model UN for Successful Corean Reunification can contribute to expanding the experiences and awareness of young people in the areas of North Korean human rights and UN mechanisms, so that we can all work together toward peaceful Korean reunification. The successful and peaceful reunification of North and South Korea would greatly contribute to a more peaceful world for us all.
Thank you.